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Python - Spell Checker

► Problem Description: For this problem, you'll first need to write code to read in the list of english words from the text file: words.txt. It is more than 40,000 lines long with no repeated words.

Next, you'll need to write two functions. The first should be called 'isValidWord', you'll pass it a string (the potential word) along with the list of words we acquired from 'words.txt', the function will return 'true' if our word list did contain the string (so, it was a valid word) or 'false' if it did not.

Finally, you'll write a function that accepts two arguments: The misspelled word and the list of words from 'words.txt'. This function should return back a list of possible words from the 'words.txt' file that could be the word (or words) that the user was trying to spell. Call this function 'getAlternatives'. Here are the typos/misspellings to look for:

  1. missing letter (so "rnning" where the user meant "running")
  2. transposed letters (so "zealto" where the user meant "zealot")
  3. extra letter (so "doags" where the user meant "dogs")
  4. single letter difference (so "fovndry" when the user meant "foundry")
  5. missing space (so "superbowl" where the user meant "superb owl")

► Example Output:

testing appears to be spelled correctly

Could not find: 'dgo' in the dictionary,
but here are some similar words:
   1) dog
   2) do
   3) go
   4) ago
   5) duo
   6) ego

Could not find: 'ct' in the dictionary,
but here are some similar words:
   1) act
   2) cat
   3) cot
   4) cut
   5) at
   6) it

Could not find: 'berd' in the dictionary,
but here are some similar words:
   1) beard
   2) bred
   3) bed
   4) bard
   5) bead
   6) bend
   7) bird
   8) herd
   9) nerd

Could not find: 'frabbit' in the dictionary,
but here are some similar words:
   1) rabbit

Could not find: 'energyturtle' in the dictionary,
but here are some similar words:
   1) energy turtle

Could not find: 'ttestingg' in the dictionary,
and no similar words were found

► Source Code

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