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John F. Dumas
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C# - Palindrome

► Problem Description: Write a c# program that reads in a list of words and then looks for palindromes created by combining two different words.

► Examples

'amoral'   + 'aroma'
'bar'      + 'crab'
'bosses'   + 'sob'
'cigar'    + 'tragic'
'delivery' + 'reviled'
'diaper'   + 'prepaid'
'drawer'   + 'reward'
'drawn'    + 'inward'
'drowsy'   + 'sword'
'maori'    + 'roam'
'murdered' + 'rum'
'never'    + 'even'
'nurses'   + 'run'
'otter'    + 'amaretto'
'partner'  + 'entrap'
'senile'   + 'pipelines'
'step'     + 'puppets'
'stressed' + 'desserts'

► Source Code

Visual Studio Project: zip file

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